Leanne Shufelt
Leanne Shufelt

Leanne Shufelt
Escrow Officer
“I have done every aspect of the job from title searching, title examining, processing files, closing files, post closing files and resolving title issues and sometimes not. I have come full circle in becoming a Business Developer. There isn’t any part of the business that I have not done in some capacity!” Leanne says. She feels so incredibly blessed to have a team behind her continuing to handle each and every contract with the same quality and connection as she did.
Leanne is excited to continue to serve her amazing clients in a different capacity, “the fun stuff”! She now has more time to connect and reconnect with current, past and future clients. Ensuring they are taken care of every step of the way. Leanne’s number one priority is and will always be customer service. She understands the power and responsibility of how you make someone feel, especially in a big life decision like buying or selling a home.
Leanne says, “I enjoy the closings. I love meeting new people and making them feel comfortable when they are closing on the biggest item of their life. Especially first time home buyers, I get as excited as they are!”
When Leanne isn’t out serving and connecting with her clients you can find her on the golf course with her husband of 20 years, Bill; ordering a large bag of popcorn at the movie theater or reading. She has 2 children and 2 furr children! “My daughter is 35 and my son is 33. They both are very successful in their careers and I am extremely proud of both of them. My 2 cats are spoiled rotten, at least until one of my children gives me a grandchild, then I will spoil them rotten. Sorry kitties!” Leanne says.
Leanne is always looking for ways to support our local small business community here. Instead of Starbucks, she opts for Island Coffee and Smoothies in the Merritt Square mall, owned by one of her clients and longtime friend! She also frequents Wabi Sabi and Pacific Rim here on the Island as often as she can. Make sure to connect with Leanne and grab a coffee!
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